The uses for Sinchies are endless and although we’ve tried to compile a list of what Sinchies have been used for - let us know if we've missed anything!
Baby food/puree, yoghurt, baby formula portions, breast milk, custard, frozen treats, fruit puree, glitter bags, homemade glue and paint, instant pudding, jelly, milkshakes, milo, mousse, porridge, rice pudding, school lunches, sensory bags, smoothies, snack bags, sorbets, soups and more
Broth, cocktails, coconut cream, dressings, drinking yoghurt, eggnog, energy gels, fruit crushers, fruit juice, hydration liquids, marinades, milk shakes, mocktails, protein shakes, rice and almond milk, slurpies, smoothies, stock, soup and water.
100s & 1000s, aioli, alcohol, breadcrumbs, bulk cooking, coulis, dip, filling cannelloni, gravy, herb infused oils, herbs and spices, honey, ice bricks, icing and ganache, jams, jus, marinade bags, mayonnaise, pancake batter, pastes, pate, pesto, portioning meat, salad dressing, salad-to-go, sauces, seeds, tomato paste, recipe in a bag etc.
Alcohol, body lotion, body wash, coconut oil, detergent, dettol, dry bag (e.g. to keep valuable dry and sand/dirt free), fabric softener, hand cream, hand sanitizer, ice bricks, insect repellent, moisturizer, recipe bags, shampoo, snack packs, sunscreen, toothpaste, wetbag and more.