homemade pear puree

Homemade Pear Puree for Your Sinchies Pouch

Making your own pear puree is not only simple and cost-effective, but it also ensures your little ones enjoy fresh, preservative-free snacks. Follow this easy recipe to create a delicious and nutritious pear puree that can be conveniently stored in your Sinchies reusable food pouch.

  • Small saucepan with lid
  • Mesh strainer that fits in the pot
  • Veggie peeler
  • Knife
  • Chopping board
  • Potato masher
  • 4 pears (try the Odd Bunch)
  1. Fill the pot halfway with water, place it on the stove, and bring it to a boil.
  2. Peel, core, and dice the pears.
  3. Add the diced pear to the mesh strainer, gently lower the strainer into the saucepan, and cover with the lid to create a steamer. Use the saucepan handle to balance the strainer handle.
  4. Steam the pears until tender, approximately 8-10 minutes.
  5. Once cooked, drain off the water, place the pears into the saucepan, and mash using the potato masher until smooth.
  6. Place the pear puree into your Sinchies reusable food pouch.

Add a squeeze of lemon juice to the puree to increase its storage time in the fridge and prevent the pear from browning.

Enjoy the convenience of having homemade pear puree on hand, perfect for a quick snack or a nutritious addition to your child's meal. Using Sinchies reusable food pouches not only saves money but also reduces waste, making it a great choice for environmentally-conscious families.

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